
smiling girl sits on grass

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photos for march and april 2012

This is Norah playing with a dandelion. more like eating it . LOL

Kids on the front lawn- We were trying to get Owen to hold her hand while she was standing but she was not ready this time.

This is Norah's first photo while she is standing/walking her Daddy and big brother. April 2012
                                                             This time she was ready.

Many Changes

I know not a very exciting title. Not very creative. too bad. That is all that I could come up with in short time between entertaining Norah and cooking dinner.

Kabuki test- neg
Doing other testing. CDLK 5 Pitt hopkins syndrome and another 4 letter one
We are also doing  a sn adoption. we are done pride and have more adoption training night.
also came acroos this website talk about great timing.
|I promise I will come back tomorrow to fill in some details.
i have 2 followers whoop whoop.