
smiling girl sits on grass

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

You betcha

I do admit I am a terrible blogger. But here I am blogging yet again.
Not sure if I have mentioned it here on my blog before or not, if you follow me on FB
you already are aware that we are in the process of adopting. Yep. US. Why you say ? I say why not .
I have been on this adoption journey a few times before and find myself here again. 3 times a charm right. I don't want to go into details about the match but will tell you that we are excited to be on the journey. We have finished our interviews for our homestudy and are in the home stretch. We have all the other paperwork to get done first. We are not in a rush to get it done. God's timing will be perfect. This girl has many medical issues, just like Norah so we have much to do and plan to have her here living with us. Much can happen between now and then. We had originally planned for a second child ever since Owen was born. When Owen was 3 we decided we had taken enough time to accomplish this and since it wasn't happening we contacted our local CAS and had a worker in house to discuss the process and get it started.At that time we were willing to accept a Sn child.  This was Christmas 2007. The worker tried to fast track us to get into the Pride Class so over the holidays we were to get the paperwork and application into her office the first week of Jan. Well the first week of Jan came and I had to call her to tell her that I was pregnant. I had Norah Sept 4 2008. She is Sn. The thing that has always stuck with me during those grief moments was this..... If you had seen her profile would you have come forward to adopt her....... You betcha is the answer. Hence why the tug to adopt this other little girl.

On the Norah front... I have video of her taking 21 steps on her own. I hope to post it below so please bear with me.

We have trialed a manual wheelchair called a supra. We need a few modifications to make it work for us and our vedor is working on our wish list. We have paperwork to get done to get our funding. Since we get ACSD it should be 100% covered.

School is only 90 days away. We have one more transition to school meeting happening June 19. Norah will be visiting the classroom 3 fridays this month for an hour each time. I know she will be fine as long as they listen to our notes and take the information to prepare the environment for her. Our goals are to be safe happy and healthy. My biggest fear is the communication. At daycare Norah is quiet- non verbal non vocal not active. At home she is a different child. Active, verbal- says a few words and sentences - like yeah, I do it ! Take it, I go . I am going to stop writing now as our OT and PT are going to be arriving for our bi weekly home therapy session and I still have to get dressed and wake the princess from her nap.

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